Volunteer Videos:

Voter Lists:

The most important thing you can do is make Voter Lists for your neighborhood.

* Walking Lists
* Calling Lists
* Mailing Lists

With these lists, you can identify who will vote for your candidates and issues.
Then take action to get results!

The Precinct Blast is simple to use.
With just a few clicks, you can make voter lists based on:

* Voting History
* Political Party
* Newly Registered
* Voters with Phones
* And more

You can control who you target.

FREE ACCESS to Forever Free Volunteers!



Phone Scripts:

The Precinct Blast will allow you to use a variety of phone scripts.
These scripts will be interactive with all answers being saved.

* Survey Scripts
* Signs and Bumper Stickers Script
* Campaign Scripts
* Get Out The Vote Scripts

The scripts will be prefilled with your name and the voter's name.
You will just read off the script and select the answers.
The script will change depending on the answers. The results will be saved.
This information will help you later on with your walking and mailing lists.

Phone calls are the quickest way to narrow down supporters.
We can deliver signs, bumper stickers, and brochures to our supporters.
We save money by not mailing or walking houses that we know will not vote our way.

FREE ACCESS to Forever Free Volunteers!




From design to printing, the Super Brochure is the best out there.
The handouts that we give or mail will have an impact.
Voters will want to keep their Super Brochure.

Super Brochures have been on the front page of the New York Times, featured on MSNBC,
and have moved candidates in the polls.

What's the secret?

Every Super Brochure has the:

* Best Graphic Designers
* Best Quality Control Groups
* Best Printing House
* Lowest Price

When a person reads a Super Brochure, they will be engaged.
By targeting the right voters with the right Super Brochures,
we can build trust and work towards the same goals.


Super Brochures, bumper stickers, and other materials are mailed directly to the people who vote.
The voter's name is printed on each Super Brochure giving it a personal touch.

Mailings are sent out based on a person's:

* Voting History
* Independents
* Political Party
* Newly Registered
* And more

Sign Waving:

Sign wavings are a great way to interact with the public and have fun.
Add volunteers and get materials out quickly.

When setting up a sign waving, think about these:

* Location
* Restrooms
* Time of day
* Materials to hand out
* Flags


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